Reading Group verdict on The Silent State by Heather Brooke

This is a brave book which confirms many of the things we already suspect such as the government misleading the public, their setting up of new Quangos to get rid of old ones and databases that the public do not have access to. It certainly opens our eyes about what taxpayers’ money goes on.

The group gave it a positive revue and agreed that it is well written in an easily understandable way and is also a well researched attack on the government. Some thought that it was a bit gushing and exaggerated. We agreed that it was not a bedtime reading book but an excellent educational tool and should be read in schools. Brooke pointed out that the expenses scandal came to light because of the leaking of information by a civil servant to the Telegraph even though she herself, as a journalist, had been trying to bring such scandals out into the open for some time.

We gave it an average score of 3.6 out of 5.

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